• info@heartforukraine.com

MUSIC SAVES on the frontline / November 2018

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MUSIC SAVES on the frontline / November 2018

From 9 to 20 November 2018, Marina Bondas travelled to eastern Ukraine again. This time she spent most of her time in the frontline city of Maryinka.


Photo report HERE . Photos made by our Rusya.

On her program – workshops with school classes and kindergarten groups in Maryinka and neighboring Krasnohorivka (a total of 15 workshops) and a concert at the Krasnohorivka Music School. This time Marina did not work alone, our Rusya (#MUSIC_SAVES protègè) and Maxym (a young activist from Maryinka) accompanied her and helped with the work.

Of course, she also met with other #MUSIC_SAVES protégés.

Marina spent a lot of time in the newly founded youth platform “H. O. P. A.”, supported the young activists in their work – helped with childcare, bought art supplies.

Life in Maryinka is very dreary, even though there is hardly any shelling at the moment. The city has no street lights, public transport works only until 4 p.m., and after 5 p.m. you can’t either call a taxi. After dark (around 4:30 p.m. in November), life comes to a standstill, and those who do not have their own car have to stay at home. This makes the work of the youth platform and the support of the young people there all the more important, because they can change the life of the city.

Many thanks to Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin (RSB) and all our supporters.





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