• info@heartforukraine.com

ARTdespite … // exhibition 2020

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ARTdespite … // exhibition 2020

From January 29 to February 29, 2020 our exhibition ARTdespite took place again. This time it was held in premises and with the support of Saitenflügel-Konzertsaals im Künstlerhof.

At this exhibition, we proudly presented the results of almost five years of the MUSIC SAVES project – the works of our protégés – drawings, paintings, graphics and photography. At least for us, these works are not simply “children’s work”, but full-fledged works of art.



More information about ARTdespite HERE 

Photo report of the exhibition HERE 

During the exhibition, several concerts and other events took place. Among other things, we wanted to give our visitors the opportunity to learn more about the details of MUSIC SAVES and to meet the activists behind the project.

We would like to thank all our artist for their wonderful concerts!


Another goal of the exhibition was to collect donations for our upcoming projects. Several pictures, graphics and photos were sold, the total proceeds will go in favor of the MUSIC SAVES project. Our donation box was filled with a total of 1123 €, further donations and proceeds from the sale of pictures reached our donation account after the exhibition.

And last but not least, the success of the exhibition meant great recognition for our protégés. This recognition contributes to their strengthening and self-esteem.

We would like to thank the Saitenflügel-Konzertsaal im Künstlerhof, Michiko Feuerlein and Yannick Wirner for the wonderful exhibition opportunity and a warm welcome!

Many thanks to all our visitors and all our supporters!

Many thanks to the Embassy of Ukraine in Federal Republic of Germany for supporting our projects!

Bankverbindung für Spenden / bank account for donations

PayPal: ukraine.hilfe@gmail.com



Empfänger: Ukraine Hilfe Berlin

Konto: Deutsche Skatbank
IBAN: DE24 8306 5408 0004 872215

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